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”Vitamins and fatty acids of Moringa plant” is a topic of a panel discussion in the Department of Biology.

Within the scientific program for this academic year of the Department of Biology Sciences, Prof. Dr. Abd Oun Hashem Alwan has presented a scientific lecture in a panel discussion entitled
“Vitamins and fatty acids of Moringa plants under the influence of nanoscale and mineral iron and methods of adding them” on Sunday 7/2/2021 in the department’s headroom, which was attended by a group of department professors and researchers.
At the beginning, the doctor explained the method of planting the plant and the concentrations that were added to the soil from nanoscale and metallic iron. This project has taken seven months where some vitamins and fatty acids were extracted from the leaves of plants that have been cultivated.
Additionally, Dr. Abd Oun has indicated that the results obtained from the plants were used spraying method and this method was better than the method of adding iron directly to the soil. Furthermore, the triple interference of study factors has showed a remarkable effect at the concentration of 360 mg. Liters for both types of nanoscale and metallic iron.