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A study at the University of Kerbala has discussed the polymorphism of the loop-like gene in the blood of those infected with gallstones.

A master’s thesis at the College of Science at the University of Kerbala has discussed the polymorphism of loop-like gene 4 and its protein in the blood of patients with urinary tract infection in the holy city of Kerbala, in the presence of the Dean of the College of Science, Assistant Professor Dr. Jassem Hanoun Hashem, and the scientific and administrative assistants.
The study aims to clarify the polymorphism of loop-like gene 4 and its protein in the blood of patients with urinary tract infection in the holy city of Kerbala. As well as some general criteria in people with UTI in terms of gender, age groups and frequency of infection, and a study of polymorphism of two genes encoding TLR4 protein (A896G & C1196T) and serum protein level included 50 UTI patients and 30 donors Healthy subjects, ages ranging between (18-50), samples were collected from Imam Al-Hussein Teaching Hospital, peace be upon him, in the holy province of Kerbala.
The study has concluded the most important factors leading to urinary tract infection, as well as the role of proteins in reducing or increasing infection.