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A dissertation in the College of Science has discussed the green synthesis of copper nanoparticles

A dissertation in the College of Science has discussed the green synthesis of copper nanoparticles
A dissertation which is entitled “Green Synthesis of Copper Nanoparticles, Removal of Some Dyes, and Study of Their Effect on Blood Decomposition” in the College of Science at the University of Kerbala has discussed the green synthesis of copper nanoparticles by Safaa Ali Kahit, including three chapters, which are the introduction, the work methods, and the results with discussion, the study of adsorption and removal of acidic Congo red dye and dye alkaline saphranin from contaminated water and study the factors affecting it (time, weight, pH function, ionic strength and temperature), as well as studying the effect of these particles on the decomposition of red blood cells in the human body.
The thesis aimed to synthesize and characterize copper nanoparticles, study the removal of pollutants from water, calculate thermodynamic functions, and study the effect of these particles on blood decomposition.
The thesis has recommended the use of nanoscale copper oxide to remove pollutants from water, as well as the use of nanoscale copper oxide to transport drugs in the human body at a low concentration.