You are currently viewing A study at the University of Karbala discusses the extraction of liquid for certain ionic elements using various azo indicators.

A study at the University of Karbala discusses the extraction of liquid for certain ionic elements using various azo indicators.

A doctoral thesis at the College of Science, University of Karbala, discussed the extraction of liquid for certain ionic elements using various azo indicators, sequential chromatography, preparation of ionic element complexes, and the thermodynamic study of their functions and analytical applications.

The study, conducted by researcher Suad Turki Abdulabbas, aimed to synthesize new azo compounds and diagnose them using high-precision spectroscopic analysis techniques.

The study concluded that the preparation of new azo compounds, diagnosed through modern and precise elucidation methods, demonstrated their high capability in extracting lanthanide elements. These elements, being challenging to separate due to their similar physical and chemical behaviors, were effectively extracted by the synthesized compounds.

The study recommended utilizing the new azo compounds for isolating and extracting various periodic table elements. Additionally, these compounds could be applied to develop new spectroscopic methods for estimating rare earth elements.”