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A study at the University of Karbala discusses the biochemico-molecular evaluation.

A doctoral thesis at the College of Science at the University of Karbala discussed the evaluation of some hormonal and molecular factors in women suffering from recurrent miscarriage receiving dydrogesterone in Karbala province.

The study, presented by the student Zahraa Jasib Hameed from the Biology Department , aimed to evaluate some hormonal and molecular factors in women suffering from recurrent miscarriage receiving dydrogesterone and their association with miscarriage recurrence and the drug’s effect on the gene expression of progesterone receptors.

The study concluded that the upregulation of mPRα gene expression and downregulation of mPRß gene expression may be associated with miscarriage recurrence, indicating the important role of these receptors in this condition. Additionally, the changes in gene expression of progesterone receptors suggest that dydrogesterone affects the gene expression of these receptors.

The study recommended evaluating the expression of progesterone receptors in peripheral blood of recurrent miscarriage patients and comparing it with healthy women, which could also yield valuable insights.