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Dr. Al-Aboudi Visits Budapest University of Technology & Science, His Excellency Reviews Scientific Cooperation in Atomic Energy Engineering Field

During a visit to the Budapest University of Technology and Science in the Hungarian capital and meeting with the University’s Presidency and its Senior Board of Directors, His Excellency, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naeem Abd Yaser Al-Aboudi reviewed the university’s specialized environment and laboratories, the field of coordination in the field of atomic energy engineering and the formation of a joint committee to organize the framework of cooperation with the Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission.

Dr. Al-Aboudi stressed the importance of scientific and educational partnerships, twinning programs and the exchange of experiences in light of the policy of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and its orientation towards the internationalization of higher education and interaction with international experiences and its keenness on establishing contexts of understanding and exchanging of scholarships.

His Excellency highlighted that the Study in Iraq program aims at attracting international students to study in the Iraqi universities and providing a positive climate for scientific and cultural exchange between Iraq and the countries of the region and the world.