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During Meeting with Higher Committee for Academic Women, Dr. Al-Aboudi Stresses On Importance of Sponsoring Scientific Creativity & Embodying Values of Iraqi Society

During the meeting with the Permanent Higher Committee for Iraqi Academic Women, His Excellency, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naeem Abd Yaser Al-Aboudi said that female representation in the environment of Iraqi universities indicates that Iraqi women in Higher Education and Scientific Research’s institutions are worthy of performing tasks and bearing responsibilities and work.

Dr. Al-Aboudi stressed the importance of sponsoring scientific creativity for students and embodying initiatives and activities that embody and are linked to the values of authentic Iraqi society to confront challenges.

His Excellency reviewed the interventions of the female members of the Permanent Higher Committee for Iraqi Academic Women regarding their contribution in providing a positive educational environment that serves society and achieves the goals of university institutions in Iraq.

It is worth to be mentioned that the meeting was attended by the committee members, including female University Presidents, Assistants University Presidents for Scientific Affairs, Deans of Colleges and the Director of the Women’s Affairs.