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Distinguished Participation of the College of Science in Discussing a Study on Cloud Point Extraction and Solvent Extraction Applications at the University of Kufa

Professor Dr. Baqir Abdul Zahra Juda, a faculty member in the Department of Chemistry at the College of Science, University of Karbala, participated as a member of the examination committee for a Master’s thesis titled “Cloud Point Extraction and Solvent Extraction Applications for the Estimation of Pharmaceutical Compounds Using Zinc (II) Ion.”

The thesis, presented by student Hanaa Abdullah Mohammed from the Department of Chemistry at the College of Education for Women, University of Kufa, aims to use the method of cloud point extraction and liquid extraction applications (ion exchange and onium system) to estimate the pharmaceutical compounds riboflavin and aspirin using the zinc (II) ion in the form of a chlorosalicylate complex in its pure form and in various pharmaceutical samples. The study examines all conditions affecting the separation and spectrophotometric estimation process, including the concentration of hydrochloric acid (HCl), temperature, heating time, concentration of zinc (II) ion, and surface volumes.

The thesis results demonstrated that the cloud point extraction (CPE) technique is highly efficient in separation, enrichment, and extraction processes, allowing for the spectrophotometric estimation of the extracted species. The concentration of zinc (II) ion plays a significant role in forming the ion-pair complex extracted into the cloud point layer (CPL), as well as through liquid ion exchange or onium techniques with the zinc (II) ion.

The thesis recommended the extraction and estimation of zinc (II) ion or other metal ions using riboflavin and aspirin in various samples. It also suggested using other metal ions capable of forming negative ion complexes for the extraction of pharmaceutical compounds.