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Kerbala University has discussed a study on the association of the interleukin genetic polymorphisms

The College of Science at the University of Kerbala has discussed a study on the association of interleukin-4 gene polymorphisms with the development of bacterial urinary tract infections and infections, by master’s student Dargham Wali Ghaly.
The study aimed to demonstrate how to isolate aerobic bacteria of urinary tract organs from urine collected from groups and diagnose them. As well as it focuses on determining the level of interleukin 4 in the serum of the groups, analyzing the single nucleotide polymorphisms of interleukin 4, genetic determination of interleukin 4, the level of interleukin 4 and its relationship to infections, bacterial infections and polymorphism and genetic with a group of risk factors such as: (smoking, family history and the presence of stones).
The study extracted Gram-negative bacterial genera isolated from urine samples that were the most common compared to bacterial genera. The process started from the last yield prices achieved from the prohibited stock prices. This genotype is linked to genetics, family history and the presence of gallstones). Urinary tract infection patients only.
Some other pictures of some other genes (TL-R) show the linkage of genotypes of some of their genes and their effect on increasing conversion in bacterial UTI, showing the development of infections and transmutation of IL-4 gene in groups and showing the extent of genetic variation in the level of expression.