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Kerbala University has discussed the master’s dissertation entitled (Preparation and characterization of lead sulfide films dotted with cadmium and chromium by pulsed laser deposition method for gas sensor applications)

The Faculty of Science discussed the master’s dissertations entitled (Preparation and characterization of lead sulfide films dotted with cadmium and chromium by pulsed laser deposition method for gas sensor applications), which was presented by the student Khudhair Obaies Mahmood) under the supervision of Dr. Majid Hussain Dohwaij. The thesis aims to prepare and manufacture a gas sensor to study the physical properties in addition to studying the effect of doping of cadmium and chromium on the structural and optical properties of PBS films prepared on glass and silicon.
One of the most prominent conclusions reached by the research is that the ratio of the laser power and the ratio of doping was very effective in improving the properties of the films. Furthermore, the increase of the laser energy and the grafting ratios lead to an increase in the absorption of the films, refractive index, attenuation coefficient and optical power gap. Also, the sensitivity of the gas sensor increases with the increase of the laser and vaccination rates.
The study has recommended studying the electrical and magnetic properties of PBS films dotted with chromium and cadmium, preparing and manufacturing PBS films as infrared detectors. In addition, studying the effect of gamma rays irradiation on the structural and optical properties, and studying the coordination of plasma produced during the deposition process.