المعلومات الشخصية
الاسم الثلاثي واللقب : عبدالستار كريم هاشم الجنابي
محل وتاريخ الولادة: كربلاء – هندية- ١٩٦٧
الحالة الزوجية: متزوج
اللغات: العربية والانكيليزية
رقم جواز السفر: A9558675
التحصيل الاكاديمي: دكتوراه في الفيزياء
محل العمل: جامعة كربلاء- كالية العلوم- قسم الفيزياء
اللقب العلمي وتاريخ الحصول عليه: استاذ مساعد /2013
التخصص الدقيق: فيزياء نووية
البريد الالكتروني:abdalsattarkareem@gmail.com
المناصب التي شغلها: ———–
المواد التي قام بتدريسها:
- الدراسات الاولية: رياضيات المرحلة الاولى- رياضيات المرحلة الثانية -رياضيات ونمذجة المرحلة الثالثة- تحليل عددي المرحلة الثانية-كهرومغناطيسية المرحلة الرابعة-فيزياء رياضية المرحلة الرابعة- فيزياء البيئة المرحلة الثالثة
- الدراسات العليا: فيزياء رياضية- مواضيع خاصة
ألاشراف على طلبة الدراسات العليا:الاشراف على طالبة ماجستير
البحوث المنشورة:21
المؤتمرات العلمية المشارك فيها:5
Title of the M.Sc. Thesis: A Study of Radon Concentration in the Soil and air of Some Villages in Irbid Governorate
Publications: 21 papers
1-Electro excitations of 9Be using large-basis shell model wave functions with higher energy configurations. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G: NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 36 (2009) 105102 (9pp).
2-Inelastic longitudinal electron scattering form factors of 9Be.
3- Elastic longitudinal electron scattering form factors of 9Be.
Journal of Al-Nahrain University Vol.14 (2), June, 2011, pp.116-122.
4- Collective C2 transitions in 32S with higher – energy configurations. Iraqi Journal of physics, 2010.Vol.8, No.11, PP.102-109.
5- Radon Measurements in Different Types of Carbonated Drinks in Iraq. Journal of Karbala University , Vol. 10 No.4 Scientific . 2012.
6- Measurement of Radon and Uranium Concentrations in the Dates and their Seeds of Different Regions in Karbala Governorate Journal of Babylon University/Pure and Applied Sciences/ No.(6)/ Vol.(21): 2013.
7- Measurement of radium content and radon exhalation rates in soil samples of Al- Hindiyah City. Journal of Kerbala University , Vol. 11 No.3 Scientific . 2013.
8- Study of Radon and Radium Concentration in Water Samples in Some Regions of Lebanon. Journal of Kerbala University , Vol. 12 No.2 Scientific . 2014.
9- Measurement of Uranium Concentrations, Radium Content and Radon Exhalation Rate in Iraqian Building Materials Samples. International Journal of Physics, 2015, Vol. 3, No. 4, 159-164.
10-Measurement of Annual Effective Doses of Radon in Plastic Bottled Mineral Water Samples in Iraq. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9(5) March 2015, Pages: 31-35.
11- Radium and Uranium Concentrations Measurements in Vegetables Samples of Iraq. Detection, 2015, 3, 21-28.
12.Determination of radium and radon exhalation rates in soil samples collected from Kerbala governorate. International Journal of Physics, 2015, Vol. 3, No. 5, 208-212
13- Alpha Radioactivity in Various Brands of Rice in Iraqi Market. International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Protection 2015; 2(5): 70-75.
14- Structural, Electronic and Thermal Properties of TiC Compound in Sodium Chloride Structure. IRAQI JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS.
ISSN (printed) 1813-2065,2015, (online) 2309-1673.
15-Measurement of radon and radium concentrations in different types of water samples in Al-Hindiyah city of Karbala Governorate, Iraq. JOURNAL OF KUFA – PHYSICS Vol.6/ No.2 (2014)
16- A Study of Radon Concentration in Different Brands Tobacco Cigarette in Iraqi Market, Influencing Factors and Lung Cancer Risk. International Journal of Science and Technology. Volume 5 No.10, October 2015.
17- Effective Radium Content and Radon Flux Determination in Cereals and Legumes Iraqian Products, Atti della“Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi” Anno LXX, 2015 – N. 6.
18-Study the Attenuation Coefficient of Granite to Use It as Shields against Gamma Ray. Detection, 2016, 4, 33-39,
19-Radon Concentrations and Annual Effective Dose in Some Dwellings of Aun Region in Kerbala Governorate, Iraq . Journal of Kerbala University , Vol. 14 No.1 Scientific . 2016.
21- Measurement of Radon Concentration and the Effective Dose Rate in the Soil of the City of Karbala, Iraq. J. Rad. Nucl. Appl. 1, No. 1, 17-23 (2016)
-He has been appointed a member of the editorial board of the following journals:
1-“ Radiation Science and Technology(RST);
2-“International Journal of High Energy Physics(IJHEP);
3-“American Journal of Modern Energy(AJME);
- I do scientific research in the following scientific journals resident:
1-“American Journal of Environmental Protection(AJEP);
2-“American Journal of Water Science and Engineering(AJWSE);
- To obtain a certificate of appreciation from the Arab Union for Leadership Development, to our research paper titled:
((Measurement of radioactivity for Alpha in some types of ceramic and cement in the Iraqi market))
- Participated in several committees discuss the doctoral students, as follows:
serial | Doctoral student’s name | the title of the thesis | Date of discussion | University |
1 | Mohammed Abdul-Kadhim Hadi al-Saadi | Nuclear structure of even-even Os,Pt and Hg isotopes by using IBM-2 | 20-9-2015 | Baghdad |
2 | Sammah audda Hassoun | Inelastic electron- nucleus scattering form factors of some fp-shell nuclei | 22-6-2016 | Baghdad |
3 | Ahmed Hussein Ali | Theoretical study of Quadrupole moments and transition rates of some sd-shell neutron rich nuclei using different model spaces | 31-7-2016 | Baghdad |
- Participation in several committees discuss the Master’s students, as follows:
serial | Master’s student’s name | The title of the thesis | Date of discussion | the university |
1 | Wael Ali Saeed
Theoretical study of electromagnetic properties of some nuclei | 16-10-2014 | Baghdad |
2 | Doaa Rahim Kazem
Longitudinal electron scattering form factors for 54,56 Fe and 58,60 Ni nuclei with core polarization effect | 12-11-2014 | Kerbala |
3 | Hassan Farhan
Elastic electron scattering from some nuclei using coherent density fluctuation model | 30-10-2014 | Baghdad |
4 | Mohammed Faleh Majid | Investigation of nuclei skinof even-even nuclei using the self consistent mean field method | 19-3-2015 | Baghdad |
5 | Huda Zuhair Amin
Nuclear level density with neutron resonance using Gaussian orthogonal En semble theoryGOE | 7-5-2015 | Baghdad |
6 | Firas Yassin Khudair
Inelastic electron scattering from factors in Ti isotopes | 6-12-2015 | Baghdad |
7 | Fadel Mahmoud Hammoud
Inelastic longitudinal electron scattering form factors in some Ni isotopes | 14-1-2016 | Baghdad |
8 | Qahtan Adnan Hussein
Negative parity states and some electromagnetic transition properties of even-odd mercury isotopes | 16-12-2015 | Babylon |
9 | Maha Karim Mohammed
The study of nuclear structure of isotopes 130-150Ce using a model of interacting bosons first(IBM-1) | 2-3-2015 | Babylon |
10 | Elham J Mohmad | Radon Concentrations in some the Soil and air of Dwellings in Karbala City, Influencing Factors on Lung Cancer Risks using CR-39
12-12-2016 | Kerbala |
12 | Umar Mahmoud Abd alhassan | Theoretical study of some exotic nuclei using different system | 12-1-2017 | Baghdad |
1-I participated in the third Conference of Nuclear Technology Uses in environmental studies / Yarmouk University/Jordan. In 2003.
2- I participated in the Iraqi national scientific conference on physics/Baghdad university/Iraq. in 2010
3- I participated in the Iraqi national scientific conference on physics/Kerbala university/Iraq. in 2013
4- I participated in the Iraqi national scientific conference on physics/Kerbala university/Iraq. in 2014
5- I participated in the Iraqi national scientific conference on physics/Kerbala university/Iraq. in 2015